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H.G Wells
Exhibition Photographs 2022
A close up of books who won the H G Wells competition over the years
A close up of the H G Wells books on show at the exhibition 2022
A close up of the books and pamphlets for sale at the H G Wells exhibition 2022
A general view of part the H G Wells exhibition 2022
A general view of the H G Wells exhibition in 2022
A selection of H G Wells books
A view of the H G Wells and other merchandise for sale at the exhibition 2022
Books and mugs for sale at the H G Wells exhibition 2022
C F A Voysey architect of Spade House
Close up of Commemorative Envelope.
Close up on the mugs on sale for the exhibition 2022
Display board showing timeline of H G Wells.
Display showing Spade House Nursing Home.
Envelopes commemorating the exhibition on H G Wells
H G Wells Commemorative Envelopes.
H G Wells Commemorative bench 2010.
H G Wells Commemorative bench unveiled on Military Green September 2010.
H G Wells Exhibition 2nd and 3rd April 2022.
H G Wells Exhibition Poster.
H G Wells Exhibition Poster.
H G Wells Exhibition at the Old Fire Station, Sandgate 2022.
H G Wells Exhibition held on 2nd and 3rd April 2022.
H G Wells and Spade House
H G Wells and Spade House mugs for sale
H G Wells building a home (an article on the building of Spade House) Date unknown
H G Wells picture
Letters and photos about the building on of Spade House for H G Wells
Letters concerning the building of Spade House for H G Wells
More books written by H G Wells 2022
More mugs for sale at the exhibition 2022
Mug and books for sale at the H G Wells exhibition 2022
One of H G Wells books on show 2022
One of the boards of the H G Wells 2022
One of the boards of the H G Wells exhibition 2022
One of the exhibition boards on H G Wells 2022
Other owners of Spade House board 2022
Part of the H G Wells exhibition 2022
Part of the H G Wells exhibition showing information about the family in Sandgate
Part of the documentary on H G Wells
Part of the documentry on H G Wells 2022
Part of the exhibition on H G Wells
Part of the exhibition on H G Wells
Part of the exhibition showing the colour chart from which H G Wells chose the colours for Spade House
Rob Sissons (walk guide) and members of the public looking at the exhibition 2022
Some of the famous visitors who came to Sandgate to see H G Wells
Some of the memorabilia for sale at the H G Wells exhibition
Subsequent owners of Spade House
Tea and Cake available in the Reading Room of the Old Fire Station
The beginning of the H G Wells video shown at the exhibition 2022
The collection of H G Wells books on show at the exhibition 2022
The colour chart for the Indestructible Paint Company Ltd with Apple Green marked (for use on Spade House)
The excellent documentary film about H G Wells running throughout the exhibition
Two of the houses inhabited by the Wells family in Sandgate (before Spade House was built)
Video and part of the exhibition 2nd April 2022