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High Street
High Street Shops North Side
High Street Shops South Side
A bench near the War Memorial taken 2020
Acula Creations Ltd, Seamtress & tailoring, 95 Sandgate High St, taken March 2020
A deserted High Street showing a Victorian Lampost undated
A photo of the middle of Sandgate High St with the Providence pub and Old Fire Station on left, and the Chichester Hall (with clock) in the Middle distance July 1993
Aunt Frances Walter photographer G. Mabley
A water fountain the gift of Lt Colonel Wheatley 1877 near the Sandgate (civic) War Memorial
Bottom of Sandgate Hill looking West. Building left sign Presenti Refreshments. Royal Oak on right and horse drawn vehicles early 1900's
Christmas in Sandgate High Street circa mid 1960s
Corunna House on left of picture in Victorian times
Early view of the Royal Kent Hotel c1900
Eastern end of High St during early 1900s
Eastern end of High street circa 1908
Entrance to Enbrook circa early 1930s
Flooding in The High Street circa 1960s
General view of the High Street circa 1970s
General view of the High Street on 12/08/1904
General view of the High Street undated
General view showing the Kent Hotel circa 1950s
Group of school children under a very ornate lampost circa 1920s
High St James Morris Court Looking West Undated
High Street & Sandgate Hill in 1900s
High Street 1912
High Street C1902 looking East
High Street Looking West Edwardian
High Street Sandgate 1950s
High Street Sandgate Circa mid 1950s
High Street during wintertime circa early 1960s
High Street in Colour circa 1960s
High Street in winter showing the Seabreeze cafe circa 1960s
High Street showing bottom of Militry Road undated
High Street showing corner of Gough Building undated
High Street with Pear Tree Cottages on the right circa early 1900s
High Street with Simmonds Brewery on the left looking East C1900
High St showing the Kent Hotel early 1990s
High street showing James Morris Buildings no longer there now Sandgate Library
Horse drawn tram at bottom of Military Road prior to Memorial being build circa 1920s
Horse drawn tram at the bottom of Military Road c1910
Horse trough on corner of Military Road
Hythe & Sandgate tram at the bottom of Sandgate Hill. The Royal Oak pub behind. c1910
In The days of the brougham and arc lamps circa 1800s
Late 1800s view High Street note tram rails showing
Main High Street entrance to Alfred Bevan Home.
Notelet showing early picture of the Kent hotel in 1878
Old Fire Station left looking West along the High St
One of the coalholes in Sandgate High St
On left James Morris Dwellings stood where the Library is now
Pear Tree cottages on right hand side circa early 1900s
Raynors Beach Club Circa June 1969
Sandgate HIgh Street with Royal Kent Hotel on left circa late 1800's
Sandgate High St, early tram near the corner of Gough Road, facing East
Sandgate High St facing East. St Paul's Church on left and local bus service c1940's
Sandgate High St looking East. Early postcard c1920's
Sandgate High St looking West from bottom of Military Road. The Fleur de Lis on the left and the Military Tavern on the right.
Sandgate High Street Goughs Temperance Home on Left 1897
Sandgate High Street James Morris Buildng
Sandgate High Street Looking East Edwardian
Sandgate High Street before 1897
Sandgate High Street c1890 looking East
Sandgate High Street opposite Sandgate Primary School looking West
Sandgate High St with Simmonds Brewery office on the left, looking east C1900
Sandgate High street in 1800s
Sandgate War Memorial about to be unveiled 11th May 1921 by Sir Phillip Sassoon
Sandgate War Memorial view from Gough Road c1960's. Sandgate News Agency and Swiss Miss Cafe opposite side of high street.
Sandgate in Winter Rex cinema on left hand side
Star & Garter (Sandgate branch) stone in the Enbrook Park wall taken 2021
Step to 99 Sandgate High St refers to Francis & Son, drapers, early 1900's. (photo taken 2020)
Taken from outside Oxford House looking west 1900
Taken from the bottom of Sandgate Hill this photo shows the Easern end of Sandgate High St July 1993
The Chichester Hall, 70 Sandgate High St, taken March 2020
The Chichester Hall, 70 Sandgate High St, taken March 2020
The Fire Station on the left C1890. Note transport is riders on horses
The High Street in 1907
The Memorial also showing The Military Tavern 1950s
The back of the Ship Pub showing the Dining Room taken June 2020
The clock now on the Chichester Memorial Hall originally installed on the J B Gough Soldiers Home 56-60 Sandgate High St. Taken March 2020
The horsetrough the gift of Lt Colonel Wheatley 1877. Photo taken April 2021
The horsetrough with flowers in, outside Enbrook Park 2020
The middle of the High Street looking East
The stone in the wall by the Sandgate (civic) War Memorial commemorating Queen Elizabeth & Queen Victoria visits to Sandgate
View of High Street circa 1960s
View of High Street in 1900s
View of High Street looking down from Sandgate Hill circa early 1900's
View of High Street showing Pearsons Coal shop on left circa 1950s
View of the High Steet modern times circa 1990s
View of the High Street in the 1980s
View showing Maltby's garage circa earl 1900s
Wintery view of Sandgate High Street undated
looking East along Sandgate High St with the Chichester Hall (on left) and Ship Inn on the right July 1993
sandgate High st early 1900's looking East